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- Kudo For Windows Fast Start
- To browse the image and media files on this CDROM install Kudo and open a
- catalog:
- 1. Install Kudo from the opening screen that appears when you put the
- CDROM into your computer or double click on STARTUP.EXE from the File
- Manager/Explorer.
- 2. The Kudo files are installed into the Kudo folder of your hard disk and
- shortcuts are created in the Windows Start Menu for Kudo and the Kudo catalog(s).
- The catalogs stay on your CDROM and are opened from the Windows Start Menu.
- 3. Open a catalog, select a thumbnail image record and double right click to
- view the original image file. Left click to open the image file in an associated
- application such as Corel Draw or Photoshop. If no application is associated
- with the image or multimedia file, the built in Kudo viewer will try to open the
- original image.
- 4. Maximize the catalog window and click on the scroll bar to move through
- the catalog.. Click on the Toolbar buttons to view the thumbnail images in
- different sizes.
- 5. Position the cursor over the Riffle control (the
- double-headed arrow with tick marks) in the lower right hand corner of the
- Catalog Reader window. Click and hold the mouse button down over the Riffle
- control to zip through the contents of the catalog. Using the Riffle control is
- like pressing Play and Fast Forward or Reverse on a VCR to quickly move forward
- or backward while watching the images flash by.
- 6. Click on the Find button on the Toolbar to search for image or multimedia
- files in the catalog using text descriptors. The Name and Notes fields in the
- Find dialog box can provide useful clues when searching for images. Many catalog
- publishers also provide Keywords in the Notes field to assist in your search.
- 7. The results of search operations are presented as a found set of thumbnail
- image records. Most Kudo catalog searches are visual browsing journeys, but text
- searches can help to narrow the browsing range of image records. Select "Find
- All" from the "Image" menu to display all of the thumbnail image records in the
- catalog.
- 8. If you are using PageMaker, QuarkXPress, Word or other OLE 2.0 application,
- select an image and drag it into the document window. Some applications require
- you to place the image in the title bar of the document window. Kudo will find
- the original image file and place it in that document.
- 9. Visit www.kudo.com to get your updated gratis copy of Kudo.
- Kudo for Windows is a fast way to find, view, print and use digital images,
- sounds, or movies. Kudo creates and reads catalogs that can contain thousands of
- records of media files. Each record is made up of a thumbnail size image and
- associated text fields which describe the media file. Think of each thumbnail as
- a miniature representation of your original image, except that it takes up very
- little memory and is formatted for easy distribution. Kudo catalogs are
- distributed on CDROMs, computer networks and the Internet.
- Kudo Catalog Reader will not make or update catalogs. Kudo Image Browser will
- make new Kudo catalogs and a gratis version is available from www.kudo.com.
- To run Kudo for Windows, you need a computer running Windows 3.x or Windows
- 95/NT with at least 16Mbytes of RAM and a color graphics card with at least
- 1MByte of VRAM.